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How to Avoid Common Pitfalls in Personal Injury Claims

January 19, 2023 Personal Injury

Personal injury claims can be complex and daunting, requiring a careful and informed approach to ensure a fair resolution. Unfortunately, many individuals fall into common pitfalls that can jeopardize their chances of receiving the compensation they deserve. 

Hire an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

Dealing with the legal complexities of a personal injury claim can be overwhelming. An experienced attorney can guide you through the process, protect your rights, and advocate on your behalf. Their knowledge of the state laws and negotiation skills are invaluable assets in securing fair compensation.

Seek Prompt Medical Attention

One of the most critical steps after sustaining an injury is seeking prompt medical attention. Failing to do so can not only worsen your health condition but also weaken your personal injury claim. Insurance companies often scrutinize delays in seeking medical care, questioning the severity and causation of injuries.

Follow Your Doctor’s Orders

Consistency in following prescribed medical treatments and attending appointments is essential. Deviations from recommended treatments can be used to argue that your injuries were not as severe as claimed or that you failed to mitigate damages.

Document the Accident Scene

Preserving evidence is essential for a successful personal injury claim. Take photographs of the accident scene, injuries, and property damage. Collect contact information from witnesses, exchange insurance information with the other driver, and gather any relevant documents, such as police reports. The more detailed and comprehensive your documentation, the stronger your case will be.

Avoid Discussing the Case with the Defendant’s Insurer

Refrain from engaging in discussions with the defendant’s insurance company without your attorney present. Anything you say can be used against you, and insurance adjusters are skilled at extracting information that may weaken your claim.

Avoid Providing Recorded Statements without Legal Counsel

Insurance adjusters may request recorded statements, hoping to use them against you later. It is advisable to consult with a personal injury attorney before providing any statements. Legal guidance ensures that you don’t inadvertently say something that could be misconstrued or used against you during the claims process.

Do Not Accept Quick Settlements

Insurance companies may offer quick settlements to resolve claims expediently. In relation to this, these initial offers often undervalue the true extent of your damages. Before accepting any settlement, consult with an attorney who can assess the adequacy of the offer and negotiate on your behalf for fair compensation.

Be Cautious with Your Social Media Engagement

Avoid discussing your case or posting details about your injury on social media platforms. Insurance companies routinely monitor claimants’ online activity to gather information that may be used to dispute the severity of injuries or the impact on daily life.

Keep a Detailed Record of Damages

Maintain a comprehensive record of all expenses related to your injury, including medical bills, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. These records serve as vital evidence when determining the extent of compensation you deserve.

Consider Emotional Distress Claims

In addition to physical injuries, emotional distress can also be a valid component of your claim. If you have suffered emotional trauma as a result of the accident, discuss this with your attorney to determine if it can be included in your compensation.

Keep Communications with Your Attorney Open

Maintain open and transparent communication with your personal injury attorney. Inform them of any new developments or concerns promptly, allowing them to address issues effectively and adjust your legal strategy accordingly.

Be Prepared for a Potential Trial

While many personal injury claims are settled out of court, be prepared for the possibility of going to trial. Work closely with your attorney to build a strong case, gather compelling evidence, and present a persuasive argument if negotiations do not lead to a satisfactory resolution.

How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You Avoid the Common Pitfalls 

A personal injury attorney can be a valuable ally in navigating the complexities of the legal system and helping you avoid common pitfalls in your personal injury claim. Here’s how they can assist you:

  • Legal Insights: Personal injury attorneys have in-depth knowledge of relevant laws and regulations. They can provide you with a clear understanding of your rights, the legal process, and the potential challenges you may face.
  • Case Assessment: Attorneys can evaluate the strength of your case based on the available evidence, helping you understand the likelihood of success. They can identify potential pitfalls early on and develop strategies to overcome them.
  • Evidence Gathering: An attorney can assist in gathering and preserving crucial evidence for your case. This includes obtaining accident reports, medical records, witness statements, and other documentation that strengthens your claim.
  • Legal Counsel Before Providing Statements: Before giving any statements to insurance companies or other parties involved, your attorney can advise you on what to say or avoid saying to protect your interests. This helps prevent statements that may be misconstrued or used against you later.
  • Negotiating with Insurance Companies: Personal injury attorneys are skilled negotiators. They can handle communications with insurance companies, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you are not pressured into accepting a low settlement offer.
  • Protecting Against Unfair Tactics: Insurance companies may employ various tactics to minimize payouts, such as delaying claims, making lowball offers, or using aggressive negotiation strategies. Personal injury attorneys are well-versed in recognizing and countering these tactics, ensuring that you are not taken advantage of during the claims process.
  • Proper Case Valuation: Determining the true value of your claim is complex. Attorneys have experience in assessing the full extent of your damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future costs. They can help you avoid settling for an amount that does not fairly compensate you.
  • Addressing Comparative Negligence: In cases where the fault is shared, your attorney can navigate the principles of comparative negligence. They will work to minimize any allegations of contributory negligence and maximize the compensation you can receive.
  • Advising on Statute of Limitations: Personal injury attorneys are familiar with the statutory time limits for filing claims. They ensure that you meet all deadlines, preventing your claim from being dismissed due to a failure to file within the prescribed time frame.
  • Managing Legal Procedures: Attorneys handle all legal procedures, paperwork, and filings required for your case. This includes court documents, motions, and any necessary legal correspondence. This ensures that your case proceeds smoothly without procedural errors.
  • Expert Witness Coordination: In cases where expert testimony is crucial, personal injury attorneys have the resources and experience to identify and coordinate expert witnesses. This can be essential in establishing the severity of injuries, the impact on your life, or other technical aspects of your case.
  • Preparing for Trial, if Necessary: If negotiations do not lead to a satisfactory settlement, your attorney can prepare a strong case for trial. This involves gathering additional evidence, identifying expert witnesses, and presenting a compelling argument in court.
  • Addressing Liens and Subrogation Claims: Personal injury settlements may be subject to liens from healthcare providers, insurance companies, or government entities seeking reimbursement for medical expenses. Attorneys can negotiate with these entities to minimize the impact of liens, preserving a larger portion of your settlement for your recovery.

Get Strong Legal Representation from Leading Personal Injury Lawyers

Successfully navigating a personal injury claim requires diligence, attention to detail, and strategic decision-making. With professional guidance and knowledgeable legal representation from our personal injury attorneys at DuBose Miller, you can avoid common pitfalls, strengthen your case, and achieve the largest possible compensation for your injuries and losses from all the liable parties. To set up your free case review, fill out this online contact form or give us a call at (404) 738-5453 today.